- %100 PAMUK / %100 COTTON
- %100 DEVE TÜYÜ / %100 CAMEL HAİR
Deve Tüyü
Değişen iklim koşullarında vücut ısısını dengede tutan doğal ve konforlu yapısıyla deve tüyü çok hafif, güçlü ve düşük geçirgenliği sayesinde yazın serin kışın ise sıcak tutan bir yapıya sahiptir. Deve tüyünün rengi çeşitli bölgelere göre değişir (Asya, Ortadoğu, Afrika). Renkleri taba, açık kahverengi, sarı ve kızılımsıdır.
• Sıcağı ve soğuğu geçirmez, aynı zamanda doğal su iticidir.
• Deve tüyü, genellikle öteki hayvan yünlerinin toplanmasında yapıldığı gibi kırkarak ya da yolarak elde edilmez; devenin tüy dökmesi sırasında toplanır.
• Deve tüyünden dokunmuş kumaşlar son derece rahattır ve sıcak tutar.
Camel Hair
Camel feather has a natural and comfortable structure that keeps the body temperature in balance under any changing climate conditions. Camel hair color varies according to various regions (Asian, Middle East-Arabic, African). Its’s colors are tan, light brown, yellow and red.
• It’s high thermostatic property provides insulation, at the same time it is naturally water repellent.
• The camel feathers are not obtained by tagging (as in sheep) or depluming, as it is usually done in the collection of other animal wools, besides they are obtained during the moulting process of camel’s own.
• Camel hair woven fabrics are extremely comfortable and keep warm.

SERAL EV VE OTEL TEKSTIL SAN.TIC.A.S. Textile was established back in early 1990s in Samsun. However, its root goes all the way back to 1920s, where grandfather of Mr. Kadir BEYTEKIN started sewing quilts by hand in Istanbul.
Our CEO Mr. Kadir BEYTEKIN has successfully carried his business after he has taken over in 1995 and started production with new technology fibres. Our company that grows by increasing investments in fibre product manufacturing, also follows the latest technologies and creates new value by adding new products.
Our products: All types of pillows, quilts, mattress pads and protectors, quilted bed spreads, bed linen for hotels, hotel type towels.
Our fabric width: 240 – 280 – 300 cm.
Capacity: Our monthly productions are 200,000 pillow, 80,000 quilt, 15,000 mattress protector, 6,500 bed spreads.
Our materials: Fabric, %100 cotton and polyester, %100 polyester microfiber, bamboo, Tencel, carbon mixed special fabrics, water – proof fabrics etc.
Filling materials: Naturel cotton, camel hair, wool, bamboo, Tencel, micro gel and nanogel fibres, silicone fibres.
Our certificates: ISO, Ekotex, Woolmark , BSCI , GOTS , DOWNPASS , IDFL
Sample production: 10 days
Production time: 45 days (could be different depends on the amount of production)
Minimum production amount: 500
Our buyers: Taç, Linens, English Home, Özdilek, Chakra, LCW Home, Sarar Ev
TKMaxx , Metro Markets , Titanic Hotels , Mojsan , Kuchenland so many others.
Busiest time of production: Between September and February.
Certificate of quality standards: TS EN ISO 14001 – 9001 – 18001
Yours sincerely,
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